Museums in Amsterdam

There are many exhibitions in Amsterdam museums for example the Anne Frank Museum, the Rijksmuseum, and the Van Gogh Museum. It’s interesting to see how Holland has retained this rich cultural past. There are many beautiful buildings and historic sights.

Shoot Better Underwater Videos

Learning how the camera reacts to light underwater, and how the water can influence your shots and your light, is a big part of mastering this art.

Encouraging Video Sharing

When you upload a video to any video sharing platform or social media site, getting a good number of shares is key to expanding the size of the audience that your content is reaching.

Dating Bites

The world of dating can be a scary place, trying to find that perfect mate to spend the rest of your life with or a long term relationship can really make someone tear their hair out. The vetting process alone can have you wanting to throw in the towel. The […]

Weight Loss Tip

A British woman named Sarah Turner (27) who used to be overweight has discovered something most nutritionist and/or Doctor has been telling the masses for eons. Too much Coke can contribute to obesity and is a very unhealthy adage to your daily diet. It’s no secret that Coke and other […]